domingo, 28 de diciembre de 2008

Christmas In Arggie!

I hope you enjoy our photos from Christmas day! Different thats for sure! It was a Christmas I will never forget! Very, Very different from the traditional Christmas at home to be honest! We celebrated the main celebration on the 24th evening with a family meal. We went to Pape´s house and he had cooked chicken, salad, rice and pasta. It really reminded me of New Years Eve which was the only way I can describe it! We all had a count down to 12 oclock and then headed outside to watch the hundreds of fireworks in the sky! they have these things called Globos, basically laterns that they send up into the air. Really beautiful to see and experience! At 2.30 am we went to the Church where we met the youth to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and generally talk about what had happened in their houses for Christmas. On the 25th we headed to the a local river with our left over food and sat and sunbathed which was an experience that I didn´t think I would have on Christmas day! Normally wrapped up in your woolies compared to your bikini and sun cream! In the evening I decided to bake a chocolate cake and the 3 gringas sat down to watch Love Actually! Did I prefer Christmas in Salta? Extremely different! I love the fact here that the children aren´t focused on the present giving but I did miss the Christmas Carols and the rubbish Christmas Tv. Truely an experience I will not forget!

martes, 23 de diciembre de 2008

The Christmas Nativity

After many practices we finally got in on the night! Here in Redentor we had our Christmas service last Sunday where we had our nativity. I was one of the three kings, Naomi Baltazar and Helen was Mary! Where do I start? Well I painted Naomi black for her part but she didnt realise that her costume was the wrong was around and because of the split you could see her white legs! Brilliant! Helen as Mary was meant to get onto the donkey, although that of course didn´t happen. It was more Mary trying to jump the donkey. Oh priceless! ok all jokes asides, it was really good and the set looked amazing! Totally different from home, thats for sure! No plastic doll in the crib, adults in nativity and generally very disorganised practices! We all had a fantastic night! hope you enjoy the photos!

Merry Christmas! Megan

miércoles, 17 de diciembre de 2008

lunes, 15 de diciembre de 2008

My Baptism

Last Night I was Baptised in El Redentor church where I am working here in Argentina! It was a very special night for me and one in my journey of faith that I will never forget! There was nine of us being Baptised and they called our class the "children of the 90´s" which always made me laugh! This service was very different anyhow compared to a normal service mainly because they had the roof finished in the new church so it was the first service in the new temple. They began with songs and then began with the girls and finished with the boys. I was very nervous to be honest and forgot to hold me nose as everyone told me after although I never noticed! Also the pastor said a little thing about me but because it was so nervous I didn´t hear it. Apparently he explained what I was doing and that I would take a little bit of the Church here back to Ireland when I return. Particularly it was very special because my english student Luz recieved me out of the water after the baptism. She is a very special person here for me in Argentina and her family. Her husband is called Abraham who I met in Jujuy on my Cruzaders week but unfortunately he couldn´t come as he had to attend his own church as he is a pastor of a local Church. After the baptism we had some food and then the presentation of the certificates. A little girl called Michaela was also being baptised. She is the sister of 9 siblings and one thing we have always noticed with her is that she never smiles, her eyes look so sad. So much worries in such a young girl. Last night was the first time I have ever seen her smile and she said to me, none of my family came but at least I have you´s. It was so special to see her being baptised... she has so much potential. To be honest I don´t think I have ever smiled so much as I did last night. All in all we had such a special evening and although I have been christian for 5 years, my step in faith starts here.

martes, 9 de diciembre de 2008


Totally amazing, are the only words I can use to describe my time in Puerto Iguazu. After a near 30 hour bus journey, the excitement had worn a little to be honest. We stayed in a hostel and we got to meet so many interesting and friendly people! The first day we just took it easy to be honest beside the pool and went to see the little town which really consisted of tourist shops and that was about it. We went to the Iguazu falls which were out of this world. Really, the words and photos don´t do the place justice but all I can say is that I had the best day of my life! On the Argentinian side, you got up so close as if you could reach out and touch the water! we also went into the spead boat into the middle of the falls and got totally drenched. The quickest 13 minutes of my life but hey! We also visited the falls on the Brazil side and to be honest was a total different picture. Instead of being dead close it was a futher but just as impressive view. During the whole trip all I got called by Naomi and Helen was "David Attinburgh" because I took like 3 pictures, ok maybe 4 of wildlife. My dream has always been to see rainforest so of course I was in my element! One evening, Helen and I decided to go for a swim in the pool and of course, the lovely Naomi took all of our stuff which was a tad embarassing due to the fact the bar besdie the pool was packed! Anyhow ... we also go to see where the 3 boarders met of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay which is pretty cool to be able to say that you cans ee 3 countries at once. Thankfully, the visa renwal went according to plan and was straight forward unlike what the guide book had suggested. On the journey home was the most biazarre, the bus driver invited me to sit in the front seat with his collegues to drink mate (a tradition drink like herbal tea). For 3 hours we sat chatting away and having a laugh. At one point, imagine 1.30 ish in the morning the driver suggested I drove and the funny thing he was being deadly serious! His reasoning, there was no one on the read. Imagine Megan driving a huge coach! Brilliant. Well we def made friends and it helped break up the journey on the way home! All in all, we had a fantastic time, home a little more brown, a little more blonde and with thousands of photos! Have a look!

jueves, 27 de noviembre de 2008

Photos of the kids and my students

Saying Goodbye!

Well this week I have had to say quiet a few goodbyes.. which is sad although I know that in reality it is only see you later! We had our last evening in the orphanage and we decided to have a movie night! yes popcorn, fizzy juice, the works! The children were so well behaved and as the leaders we were thinking, where have our kids gone? We were able to buy each child a pair of shoes to take home for summer time. The boys got a hand made pencil case and the girls got a handbag full of goodies. The relationships with the kids were really unique and I look forward to seeing them again in march when they return. Also this week, I went with Naomi and Helen to a place called mirador which is basically a Cristian ran home work club for the children in the local area to come to. As i mentioned about the kids beliving that santa chooses not to come to them, well Naomi spoke to her Church who kindly donated money. With this we were able to but the 40 children a Santa hat, a sketch pad, colouring pencils and a bracelet. It was such an special experiences seeing those childrens faces light up with such a simple little thing in ou eyes, although huge in theirs. The set up is amazing there. Located in a very poor area of the city, the children come to ask for help with homework before or after school and the center offer breakfast and a hot lunch. Yesterday was my last day in Uzzi College, the private primary school that I have been teaching at since I arrived. Although very different experience I must admit, the relationships that I have gained with those children are priceless. At the end of school each grade presented me with letters, drawings etc which are memories I will have forever. If I compare this school to the public secondary school, you can imagine it is different ends of the spectrum. Last week I said goodbye to my two classes which was very hard to be honest. MOst of the students closer to my age, we got on great. You can just imagine me, when Sandra the teacher wasnt listening, my speaking in spanish trying not to be caught. This was a good laugh and in turn they learnt some english! Not bad! I have started visiting a local childrens cancer ward in the center of the city. This is a very precious time in my week. A little girl called Jesica, to be honest she is amazing. So much hope and such a character! We just chat away, even sing which can be a laugh! God have given me so many opportunities here and although now i'm finishing schools etc I know that there will be many more to come! At the moment i'm trying to buy my tickets for Brazil which I leave for on monday! Watch this space! Will keep you updated!! Chau for now! MJ x

viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2008

Reality of the work

To be honest I thought I would give you a better understanding of the work and the history of some of the children. I'm sure by now everyone at home is preparing themselves for Christmas and the arrival of Santa Claus. The child here believe that Santa chooses not to visit them each year... when I heard this it breaks my heart although this is reality. Within the orphanage where I work, the back ground of the children wouldn´t be what they would be like at home. All the children have parents although the families can´t afford to keep the child at home due to living expenses. Its really difficult seeing the families visit and leave and the pain the child goes through after. What I can´t believe, now that its coming close to summer Holidays, (Dec - March) these children will be sent home. Many from abusive families etc and why I ask... the government. It makes me sick, 3 months is an awkful long time and the past few weeks we've noticed the children really unsettled. Only last week I learnt why. The other day when I entered my secondary school where I teach to find there was unsettling news going around that a pupil had smashed a window and self harmed herself. Your probably thinking this is a very morid blog entry. I just think its important to share with you´s that although everything is going so well, some things we come across when we are working is very hard and cruel. This has challenged me deeply and I think while away for what is nearly a year abroad, its important to realise that it has its highs and its lows. Please pray for what you have just read, that the situations will improve, for the safety and safe return of the children back to school. For Christmas, which is a family time of year, that those without the love of the family may have a bit of hope this year. Don´t be upset by this but just take into account that behind a mask can tell a totally different story!

domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2008

Salsa Dancing

I'm sure you can just imagine... Naomi, Helen and I trying to follow a salsa dancing class where the man doesn´t actually stop to teach you the basics. It really is a laugh to be honest but we love it! Well, the teacher, he is called Coco and constantly is looking at himself in the mirror. It really nice while i'm here in argentina to learn abit of their culture. It very different to what we know and its really enjoyable! I'll keep you updated on how my dancing feet go! MJ x

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2008

Good News!

I have some really exciting news that I would like to share with you! I have decided to get baptised on the 14th of December this year in my Church. There are 8 people that are goin forward and its a really exciting time for us. We are attending the baptism class each sunday and learning more and more each time. Again, thank you for all your prayers. Megan x

martes, 4 de noviembre de 2008

Nations Night!

What a night!! Our Church invited all the other churches in Salta to join us on saturday for a dinner and nations night. Of course we represented Northern Ireland. Well all had to dress up in costumes and to be honest the argentines look more scottish people which made us laugh! The day before we spent all day making irish dancing skirts and to be honest we looked a bit like pixies in them. So imagine this, a black waist coat which looked so cheap, white t-shirts and different shades of green for a skirt! For about 2 weeks I taught the girls some irish dancing and I don´t think i've laughed so much in my life. Bless them, they really did try but Naomi looked more like a farmer dancing to a barn dance than an irish dancer. Although it looked great on the night so we were over the moon although we had to do a drama thing at the start due to the music, hence the picture. Our theme was all about the conflict in Northern Ireland and how much the place has progressed over the years. Just relieved we didn´t have to sing again! The other costumes from the different churches where class, so much effort went into them. Countries including China, Mexico, Arabia, Mozambique, Brasil... the list goes on! Each country had to give a ten minute presentation etc which including belly dancing and dramas about drugs etc and of course our "gorgeous" irish dancing. The night finished abit like the olympic torch.. each country got a torch which we made and had to go up the front with it, totally beautiful!

I've added some photos! Enjoy and try not to laugh too hard!

lunes, 20 de octubre de 2008

Some Highlights

Well the question really is, where do I start? I have so many...
  • I'm teaching english classes and being able to see the improvements of the students is really amazing to be honest! Having started with no english and having the motivation to learn is really inspiring. One of my students wants to come to Ireland to share the message of the Bible. Through these classes i've also been able to make good friends which is really class.
  • The young peoples meetings are pretty fun time each week, where they meet up together and share and generally have a bit of a laugh. In the Church, where most of the teenagers find it hard to leave the house without having trouble from the head of the house, so of course this is a time really special.
  • Also, Argentines now how to party! Don´t get the wrong idea but yes they have a day for everything. Day of the pastor, Day of the child, Day of the friend. Everything! Well so of course when it comes to birthdays, they know how to celebrate! We had 2 surprise parties this week and Helen my flat mate ended up getting her face dunked in the cake!
  • The orphanage is def another time in my week which I look forward to. The children just want to play games and have a good time. Being able to share with them has been amazing and hearing about their lives has been a real experience.
  • Oh how can I forget, Naomi, Jo and Helen. My house mates. So many funny times but also being able to be like sisters. Naomi has done so many funny things its hard to even begin to think.

Just generally having a GREAT time here in south america with SAMS. Having learnt so much and theres 5 months still left!! Thinking of you all!! MJ x

martes, 14 de octubre de 2008

Megans Mental Move

Times certainly flown by,
since I left that island of rain.
Its been nearly 4 months,
but i've still so much to gain.

The team left a long time ago,
but their presence is still felt.
The weathers quite different now,
we're all beginning to melt.

I don't miss Zara talking in her sleep,
or fearing she'll stroke my chin.
Keith and his english translations,
that really were as bad as sin.

Pape still talks about his dearest Ann,
but the Andes were her love.
Then theres the hero called Besty,
in their eyes he's soaring like a dove.

Now we come to the "Chicas",
who had a ball with Nelly.
They danced, sang and acted,
so good it could be on telly.

Now we come to the "Macho Men",
known as Santiago and Lee.
Living with good aul' Renato,
no wonder he didn't give them a key.

I keep being shipped off to Jujuy,
I'm really not sure why.
If i have to irish dance again,
I think i'm going to cry.

In Salta La Linda,
the work never ends.
In Church, Schools and clubs,
I'm making loads of friends.

I'm sounding like a true Native,
When I start to speak.
But there's nothing like good old Span-lish,
to get you through the week.

How could I forget about Naomi,
the cheeriest Gringa of them all.
She likes to drink from the bidet,
but her new husband isn't that tall.

There's a new girl called Helen,
who really loves pink.
But we'll turn her from her girly ways,
or so we'd like to think.

I've left the best to last,
the Rocker called "Cecy V".
She can't get enough of "Los Piojos",
or our Irish tea.

I hope you like my little rhyme,
it took me quite a while,
I'll bring these Argentine kisses home,
Just to make you's smile.

By Megan Johnston

viernes, 10 de octubre de 2008

Pretty quiet week

Hey guys, its been a pretty easy week as I caught a virus that i've passed onto poor Helen. opps! Recieved some shocking news this week about a work in the orphanage. It seems that she was hitting the children, please just keep this in your thoughts. Thankfully she has lost her job and the children are safe again but of course are in shock. please just pray that this time is a time of blessing, of learning and general fun for the kids when we visit them each week. Ok i know this may sound silly, but please pray for the gringas driving here on the Argentine roads. My wee saying is, "I have confidence in me, but not in the other drivers". There generally isnt many rules but thankfully most cars are ancient so if you do get a wee bump, its like a big game of "Bumper Cars". So yeah you can just imagine. Just keep those wee points in your thoughts!! Many thanks, Megan x

martes, 7 de octubre de 2008

viernes, 3 de octubre de 2008


This video is of Juan getting baptised in the river is Misa Rumi. It was a really class experience, everyone gathered at the river bank and the pastor went in in his shorts to dig the whole. Really cool to have experienced a real water baptism since at home its quite different!

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2008

Megan in the middle of the Mountains

Well I returned safe and sound after a 6 day conference to Misa Rumi on the Argentine/Bolivian Boarder. It was quite an experience to be honest! During the main conferences I taught 54 children in total, basically the Happy Hours that I mentioned before. Alot of Games, Songs and teachings which was really great. Although the children where soo shy as its a very traditional place so sometimes it felt like I was doing all the change there I suppose! One thing I don´t miss being back in the city is seeing your dinner being hunted and chopped up. I had to go with the culture so llama was for dinner all week, although when they said it was intestines stew I opted for the rice. Ok moving on, I experienced my first natural baptism. So about 200 loaded up in 4 dumper trucks and headed down to the river. It was a really class experience! Headed to Bolivia for a day and to be honest wasn´t very impressed. The streets were so dirty and it was sad to see the standard of living in some places. Made loads of new friends and am happy to be home again in Salta. Strange though as Cecy is away and Naomi is with her friend travelling so its nice to have the house to myself for a change. Back to work for now and waiting for Helen to arrive safely! Hope your all well, Megan xx

lunes, 22 de septiembre de 2008

Chile continued...

Well, we had a blast to be honest! interesting few days! Well thing about the place where we went to, our cash cards didnt work so we rationed ourselves to pasta every evening and banana sandwiches. We decided to go on two wee trips, the second was to the geysers which was pretty class. we had a 4am start which was interesting as there was a power cut in the town. It was minus 13 when we got there so you can just imagine me looking like a snow man with my 9 layers!! Boy was i still cold. The town was totally gorgeous and we were very lucky to find such a lovely wee hostel! The people we met were totally lovely! we met brazilians, peruvians, americans, scottish you name it! The scottish couple we met were lovely and we found out that this was their third year of travelling, totally amazing stories. Wish them all the luck and hope they return to Sunny Salta soon! One day we hired bikes and headed off into the desert! you can just imagine, totally in the middle of no where and struggling the sun. Really good though and we finally made it home in good time for a rest in the hammocks! We had such a laugh in that place, the first night Naomi managed to flood the hostels kitchen. Of course she turned the tap on that said very brightly, DONT TOUCH and I managed to fall out of a hammock. Really feel like I have left a bit of my heart in Chile to be honest. Its a place where I would love to spend more time in!

Chau!! MJ xx

sábado, 13 de septiembre de 2008

Day 1 - Chile

Naomi and I are in this gorgeous little town in the middle of the desert called San Pedro De Atacama! You can just picture it, white walls and 2000 people living here. Literally surrounded by nothing but its great! These 6 days are basically to renew our Visa´s and do some sight seeing. We went on this trip called Valle de la Luna, literally, valley of the moon. It was completely amazing. Literally looked like the surface of the moon, including sand dunes, valleys from limestone etc. you´ll just have to wait for the pictures! At the end of the trip you climb the big sand dune and watch the sunset. Really great day! Last night we went out with a few from the tour which was great and got to learn a little bit of portuguese! Just hiring a bike today to see abit more around the town and the old Inca ruins. should be great and have to get the old factor 50 on! Chau!!!

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2008


Just arrived in Chile about 2 hours ago after a very long bus journey. We had to go through the Passport control which generally was an experience and more stamps in the old passport! Staying in this lovely wee hostel and hope to see some of the sights around this wee town in the middle of the desert! will keep you informed on how it goes! Here for about 6 days so if you can not get hold of me, thats probably why! Just heading to buy food as Naomi and I are shattered and are tummys think our throats are cut! Chau!! xx

jueves, 4 de septiembre de 2008

Spanish or English?

Oh it was so funny yesterday! I work in this pubilc secondary school and Sandra the lady I work with has told me to pretend I don´t speak a word of Spanish. well... Yesterday of course as teenage girls do, they where talking about me and laughing, just the normal thing about being foreign etc... Ha ha! I just couldn´t resist! I went over and whispered in her ear " I understand more than you think" in Spanish! Her face dropped, sadly didn´t have my camera! Brilliant, just couldn´t resist! I wonder how long it will take to get round the class that I speak Spanish....Opps

miércoles, 3 de septiembre de 2008

Wow what a month its been! been really busy and its been brilliant. Really begining to get to know the people i´m working with on a more personal level. Thankfully my english classes are going so far so good and the people are making so much progress. Kind of puts me to shame when i think of myself learning spanish! Heading to Bolivia very soon which should be gr8, just hoping its a different experience to my journey to Jujuy! It was rather funny, the other day I headed to Cecilia fathers house (papé) and I let him listen to the beatles on my ipod. There he was dancing around the living room and telling me to dance (mind you he was the only one who could hear the music). Brilliant, its times like these where you wish you have a video recorder! The other evening was a laugh, silly Megan. I got on the wrong bus and ended up in the mountains although it was quite an experience! The youth sessions on a saturday evening have been brilliant and are taking a new turn which the youth are enjoying. The Hora Feliz is always a bit of a laugh, either myself of Naomi end up singing and making a fool out of ourselves. The worst thing is that there are so many names to remember and very easy to offend by either making the name feminine or masucline by adding an A instead of and O. Cecilia is away at the moment in Mendoza so Jo, Naomi and I have been trusted in the house. Jo is leaving soon which will be sad but it also means David is heading to Ireland to work in the Cathedral! what an experience and he´ll be brilliant for the Cathedral! Finally, every tuesday evening I have organised a vollyball session with the youth as there isn´t much on for them during the week. Please just pray or think about this time, that it will be a time where they can enjoy themselves, where we can talkto the youth or just even that we get the right numbers!! Many thanks! Hope your all well! thinking of you!

domingo, 24 de agosto de 2008

Megan cant keep her mouth shut!

Well my poor room mate has informed me that i´ve started sleeping talking in spanish this week. An epic story as she described! although we´re even as she snores like a train! we work well together!

viernes, 22 de agosto de 2008

Boca Vs River...

Football, football and more football! Very conterversial topic here in Argentina! well 2/3 of the country support either boca of river. apparently the ratio is 32% Boca, 30% River. so yeah, if someone asks you if you support football you have to be generally careful what you say! many of times ive had people "thats it your not a friend of mine anymore". so yeah you can imagine, megan standing there rather blushed in the face. Ive been warned by Cecy that I support River although i have no idea even what theyre like! Last week i was walking down the main street and seen hundreds of people standing outside a tv shop watching the match, bit strange i thought. then it dawned on me "Megan your in argentina!" But if you know me, i generally hate football so its a topic i try to stay off!

Its funny, when you meet an argentine for the first time, there is generally 3 questions you get asked as a "gringa(o)"
1. Whats your name and your american right?
2. Boca or River?
3. Do you have a bf, depending on what you say, generally the conversation ends there.
This is definetly a nationality that are very blunt and to the point. They have a general thing of calling people either "negrita(o)" or "gordita(o)" literally fatty. Thankfully so far my name is generally Ché which is fine with me.

Generally settling into the new culture has been fantastic, although the people here generally have strange eating habits. The other day i helped make the traditional food called "empanadas". well yeah, an experience and a half! they are a bit like a cornish pastie but supposed to look pretty! well it looked like a dogs dinner as my mum would of said!

Finally, thought id share a little about my church. Its called "El Redentor" and on a good day about 70 people would turn up. sunday morning normally is a cell group in different ages and in the evening is the main service. The church love to sing and clap! yes your hands are sore by the time your out! the culture here is to kiss everyone on the cheek to say hello and again when leaving. so generally this means your in church for over three hours. Going to apoligise now just incase when im home i kiss anyone forgetting! differences in culture...

Please just pray for the families within the church that have many problems. One main issue is that this is a culture where men dominate, meaning that if the man of the house hold isnt christian and the family are, generally it means the family cannot go to church. please pray for this.

Well hope you can understand a little bit more about this amazin place!! thinking of you all!
Besos, Adíos!

Noami my room mate!

Naomi is the girl
with the rangy changy hair.
She’s really quite a hit
with her head free of nits.

Now concerning all the boys
She’s a huge,enormous noise.
For be they tall or small
She’s attractive to them all.

When it comes to saying ‘Hola’
Some advance a bit too close-a.
And as for speaking proper
Well…Naomi’s more a bopper.

Bopping to the Monkeys
she looks so very funky
And the wine…it’s by the bottle
My that girl - has she got throttle!

She’ll sing her way to fame
Yes, Miss Francey’ll make a name.
Hear her song about ‘My Pancake’
and you’ll know that she’s sure no fake.

She’ll sing even to a wall
On her own out in the hall.
Or jump an octave higher
Believe me, I’m no liar.

It’s all been caught on tape
by Claudio, her mate.
Still I wait for ‘The stethescope’
…One day, that is my hope.

Now, when it comes to bathroom etiquette
Well, she just don’t seem to get it.
As her flat mates hear her cries
they find ’surprise pees’ have hit her in the eyes!

She’ll always make you laugh
Coz she don’t do things by half
So take that trip to Salta
You’ll find you just can’t fault her!

martes, 12 de agosto de 2008

Singing, Dancing and Running

Well the second irish team leave today which will be strange not to have any other crazy irish people walking about the city. No more dancing but thanks to Harold they can now all barn dance! "el dia del Niño", The Day of the Child went really well, they had more than 60 children which is was a real blessing to be honest! we had such a great wee time with the children on the bouncy castle and just being able to share with them etc. Last night Naomi and I started our get fit programme. so we ended up in this really quite "vintage" gym and something really came obvious to me (while running on the treadmill mind you). You may not know this but Bueños Aires (the capital of argentina) has the highest figures of anorexia per capital. Last night just like home i suppose but i really could understand why there was such a pressure. imagine this, this old vintage gym, with some really old machines but the main thing was that they were surrounded with pumped up images of people and slogans that were demoralising. I suppose you could say we have that in our gyms, but not to this existent. No wonder there is such a pressure in a society to be figure conscience to the maximum where the image that is being protrayed is that you have to look a certain way and if not, your not worthy. finally what struck me was the fact that, most of the people in the gym where really skinny already and working so hard. I just wanted to share this with you as it made me really think.

martes, 5 de agosto de 2008

Day of the Child- Hora feliz

Well i have now started to get into the swing of working during the week. The second irish team are here at the moment but we haven´t been really working with them. last night i started the one on one english classes which was brilliant! claudio and his son. was a really special time and now he has to say hello etc in english. its funny all i keep getting called now is "my english teacher". I have been working in Uzzi college with the kids doing drama and teaching english. Tomorrow I´m taking the class and teaching them about St Patrick which should be fun! We went out to see the monkeys again, they are a brilliant band! Oh my room mate Naomi is such a laugh! if any bad was going to happen of course it would have to happen to her. Last night she got into a water fight with the bidet (the wee extra thing in the bathroom beside the toilet). All i heard was scream and then she opened the door and she was drenched!!! i rolled around the floor laughing! bless her! Here in Argentina there are kids clubs called "Hora feliz" literally happy hour. probably not the type of one you may be used to. here the children meet together for like 2 hours funnily enough to play and learn about God. This happens every saturday and this saturday is also the day of the child. so of course we´re going all out with a bouncy castle and games. So my task for this week is to make puppets and write a story to go with it!! wish me luck!! i better get to it!! Ciao!! MJ xx

jueves, 31 de julio de 2008

The First Month

Wow!! Totally crazy to think that a month has passed by already!! To be honest it has been like a blink of an eyelid! So much has happened including the team coming and going and are many different adventures!! Well, while the team where here we did many of the touristy things. Oh by the way, if you didn´t know by now, i´m in a city called Salta about 22hrs north of Buenos Aires, which means quite close to the northern bolivian boarder! So while the team where here we worked in a area called solidalidad in the local church. The work was mainly interacting with some practical things for the church. We weeded this big area which if i´m to be honest was a big bit of dried earth and then planted some trees while the boys (sorry men) put up a fence for the church. During the week we played volleyball with the local children, dramas around faith issues and a puppet show. was a really fantastic time there, the people where so welcoming and made us feel at home. We returned back into Salta where Keith and Zara held "Romance Academy". This time was totally class! the young people of the church gathered and discussed issues of relationships etc which was totally new to them! This time was really precious! Ohh, how could i possibly forget! went to see a band called "the monkeys". They where a pretty good reggie band in this place called "cafe del tiempo". The team went together to the orphanage to play games etc with the children. when we arrived it was class as Cecy had organised for there to be a bouncy castle so the children where obviously so excited!! We taught some dance and songs in Uzzi College where i´m based 2 days a week teaching english to the youngest class for now. We had 3 trips into the Andes visiting places like "Cafeyate" and "Jujuy". Oh Jujuy!! such a wonderful place!! i´ll explain later! With the team we went away on a youth retreat. It was a brilliant time. We heard Keith, Rodigo and Raul share throughout the weekend. Some really challenging thoughts being provoked! we played kick the ball rounders, just because we didnt have a bat or small ball which was rather funny as when i kicked the ball my shoe went flying across the pitch! all i could do was run! ha ha! We all returned pretty shattered with the lack of sleep but there was a good turn out in church! the church services here are class! i love my church. "Iglesia el Redentor". The people are so welcoming!! they love singing and clapping and kissing. ok don´t get the wrong idea, its tradition here to kiss everyone hello and everyone goodbye otherwise you come across rude! it will be strange coming home and not kissing! beware! Overall the team had an amazing time and they worked so hard. the people of salta are asking me about them nearly every minute of the day, they really, made an impact. Thanks guys for putting 110% into it! i´m missing you´s! The night the team left was really a unique night. we all came together and shared in laughter, tears, photos etc. When the team left I was asked by the pastor to go to Jujuy for a "cruzadas" week. i was based about 45mins away from the capital in a place called Ledesma in San Martin. During this week, if i´m to be honest i found it very difficult just because the type of work. The Cruzaders basically knock on peoples door in the local neighbourhodds and spread the Gospel. We came across lots of broken families, lots of broken family and some very lost people. Please Pray for Amanda who is terminally ill with cancer. pray that her family will feel the comfort of God in their house. I give thanks for the people who came to Christ that week but i´m just really thankful that i´ve met some really amazing people out of it! A man called Abraham and his family. we are still in contact and regulary speaking english and teaching his wife. this time is really unique, that i´m learning so much in time where i´m meant to be teaching him. Yeah so as you have gathered life is quite busy here as i have 4 jobs which i´m loving! teaching english in a primary school, in a orphanage, teaching adults english and working with the pastor in Liteva book store. sorry well i´m going to leave the best to last! Naomi! My room mate and sister for nine months! she´s totally bonkers and has me in stitches 24/7! ok, sorry for the long update but it has been a month and that was a summary! Overall, i´m having a brilliant time and have settled in here like a duck to water. learning argentinian spanish which i´m finding it very odd from my spanish! The people have made me feel like family and of course i´m missing you all at home! i hope that you are all well. Keep in contact! i´d love to hear from you!! All my love, Megan