lunes, 5 de julio de 2010

Hora Feliz - Happy Hour (Kids Clubs)

At the moment i´m pretty busy with getting materials ready for the weekend as we have our traditional, Happy Hour - Hora Feliz!! Now now.... I know what you´re thinking... not that type of happy hour!! However, I have no idea why they call it happy hour as it last for nearly 3 hours!!The kids clubs are amazing and the teams this year are even better!! We have 2 on Saturday in a local neighbourhood and then in the afternoon in the Church! Kids from all around the area come to it and its great craic! We play games, sing songs and learn Biblical texts. It has been great to see how all the kids have grown up since my last trip and to see how they are now bringing their little brother and sisters! It´s a real blessing that we are able to do this as the Church isn´t well off and the brothers in the church donate money to the clubs so that the children can eat and for the resources we use! Thankfully this time I´m actually able to understand the kids spanish, as man sometimes its difficult to understand them! It means we are able to have a better relation! However, when I arrived I recieved some sad news about 2 of our little ones from the kids club. Due to personal circumstances they have stopped coming and one is currently in prision. These kids have hearts of gold! It´s just such a pity that due to family circumstances things have ended up as they have! However, it´s great to see how the group has strenthened nether the less and to see how motivated the leaders are this year! Please keep these Happy Hours in your prayers!! Thanks!

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