sábado, 21 de marzo de 2009

"Traditional Irish Dress"

As Naomi was packing her bag just before she left, I was lying on my bed and for some reason I thought it would be funny to dress Naomi up. She literally put on every type of clothing she had at once and I said, "Now you have to buy something in the local shop". As you can imagine the tears were tripping me from the laughter. We arrived in the shop and the 2 woman at the counters acted completly normal so we went down the back to get some juice. So as you do, we paid and the other woman burst out and said "Sorry I have to ask, is this some sort of fancy dress?" At that, I couldn´t resist and said, "in Ireland we don´t have a traditional dress so we basically put all of our clothes on at once and this would be our national dress." We didn´t think they were going to actually believe it to be honest but it seems so as people keep mentioning it within the neighbourhood. Just take a look at the photos, I think it says it all! Good times!

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