I´m sitting here at 1am writing this blog entry after probably the best night I have had here in Salta. This evening it was just like every Sunday evening where we attend the normal Church service in "El Redentor". Although the difference about tonight was that I saw friends that I hadn´t seen in quite a while and it was really brilliant just seeing them again. Marcelo and Ana were in Corduba studying english translation for a month and it was amazing to hear them come back to Church and speak confidently in english. Their english has always been a very high standard, probably better than mine, but this evening was the first time she spoke to me all in english! It may seem simple but small things like that mean alot! I dropped them home with Pite and Andres who are the most adorable elderly couple! Marcelo made me laugh as he reminded me of a little child. The conversation went as follows.
Marcelo : "I refuse to speak spanish"
Pite : " Yo no intiendo - I dont understand"
Marcelo : " You need to learn english, so i´m going to keep talking in english"
Ana : "Don´t be rude Marcelo"
Marcelo : "I am always rude, why should I start being nice?"
You can imagine me trying to drive with tears in my eyes from laughing at Marcelo refusing to speak spanish and wee Pite not understanding a thing! I think that will be one journey I will never forget! What really struck me tonight was the passion Marcelo and Ana came home with and this is so encouraging to see as he travels to Peru next week to translate Bibles into the local dialects. Please pray for him as he travels without his wife but travels with faith.
Also this evening, I got to see Raul and Maggie, a couple from my Church who I hadn´t seen in a while. Raul was learning english with me and was doing really well and I´m so proud of him how far he has come with his english! They are very special to me and I will miss them alot when I return to Ireland but I have confidence that I will see them again one day.
Tonight, it wasn´t about going out and having a great time, it was about sharing time with my friends here in Salta. These are the moments that I will treasure the most. I know that only a month to go, but so much can happen within that period of time! I plan to spend as much time as I can with the people here in Salta until I go as I can learn so much from them and hopefully visa versa. I feel sad that I have to leave, although I know that God has a plan for me and this is all his hands. I feel that I have learnt so much here in Argentina and for that I have to thank God and the people he has put me in contact with. That was my best night in Salta!
I´m going to go to bed now!
Good Night! Megan x
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