viernes, 22 de agosto de 2008

Boca Vs River...

Football, football and more football! Very conterversial topic here in Argentina! well 2/3 of the country support either boca of river. apparently the ratio is 32% Boca, 30% River. so yeah, if someone asks you if you support football you have to be generally careful what you say! many of times ive had people "thats it your not a friend of mine anymore". so yeah you can imagine, megan standing there rather blushed in the face. Ive been warned by Cecy that I support River although i have no idea even what theyre like! Last week i was walking down the main street and seen hundreds of people standing outside a tv shop watching the match, bit strange i thought. then it dawned on me "Megan your in argentina!" But if you know me, i generally hate football so its a topic i try to stay off!

Its funny, when you meet an argentine for the first time, there is generally 3 questions you get asked as a "gringa(o)"
1. Whats your name and your american right?
2. Boca or River?
3. Do you have a bf, depending on what you say, generally the conversation ends there.
This is definetly a nationality that are very blunt and to the point. They have a general thing of calling people either "negrita(o)" or "gordita(o)" literally fatty. Thankfully so far my name is generally Ché which is fine with me.

Generally settling into the new culture has been fantastic, although the people here generally have strange eating habits. The other day i helped make the traditional food called "empanadas". well yeah, an experience and a half! they are a bit like a cornish pastie but supposed to look pretty! well it looked like a dogs dinner as my mum would of said!

Finally, thought id share a little about my church. Its called "El Redentor" and on a good day about 70 people would turn up. sunday morning normally is a cell group in different ages and in the evening is the main service. The church love to sing and clap! yes your hands are sore by the time your out! the culture here is to kiss everyone on the cheek to say hello and again when leaving. so generally this means your in church for over three hours. Going to apoligise now just incase when im home i kiss anyone forgetting! differences in culture...

Please just pray for the families within the church that have many problems. One main issue is that this is a culture where men dominate, meaning that if the man of the house hold isnt christian and the family are, generally it means the family cannot go to church. please pray for this.

Well hope you can understand a little bit more about this amazin place!! thinking of you all!
Besos, Adíos!

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